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Our next round of applications and hiring will be in Fall 2025. 

The WORD Studio calls for applications during the fall semester each academic year. 

The WORD Studio takes pride in hiring good humans and fostering a welcoming community for every student on our campus. We strive to have a diverse staff of tutors and welcome folks from all majors, minors, backgrounds, and languages to join our team. Multilingual students are especially encouraged to apply. Sophomores and Juniors are preferred; exceptional First-Year students will be considered. 

WORD Studio tutors work with peers one-on-one on various communication assignments and are required to complete PCA/EDUC 225: Peer Mentoring in Rhetoric and Communication before they can serve as tutors. The class introduces students to the subjects that directly impact our work: linguistic justice and antiracism, composition-rhetoric theory and pedagogy, writing center theory and pedagogy, and best practices and research-based approaches in education.

PCA/EDUC 225 counts toward the PCA major and minor and the educational studies minor. Tutors report that the class is meaningful far beyond its application to tutoring.  Because of the intensive one-on-one mentoring each student receives, the class is capped at 10 students. To secure your place in the course, you’ll need to apply.  

Application Process for Fall 2024
  • Visit Handshake to review the job description; search Job# 9299871.
  • Complete this Google Form:  
  • A faculty or staff recommendation (form provided after the application form is complete)
  • A short academic writing sample from a SLU class (at least 3 pages; high school writing is acceptable if no SLU sample is available) 
  • An interview with the Director and selected Tutors during the first two weeks of November. 

Students will be informed of their acceptance to the course after Thanksgiving. 

Have questions? Book an appointment with one of our tutors to discuss their experiences with the course and working in the WORD Studio or email WORD Studio Director, Melody Denny ( with questions or to set up an appointment to chat.