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We offer both online and in-person tutorials—just select your preference on the scheduling page by clicking on the red box “Schedule a Tutorial” below.  

If you’re having trouble making an appointment, watch this quick video.


Fast Facts

We are more than a “writing center.”  “WORD” is actually an acronym:

W: Written Communication (for example, papers)
O: Oral Communication (for example, speeches)
R: Reading (we help you hone your reading comprehension skills) 
D: Design (for example, posters and powerpoints)

We're here for any communication need—not just papers.

Your tutors are fellow Laurentians.  They are your peers.  They are approachable and friendly.  They are also highly trained as tutors, having taken a semester-long course on tutoring.  Each of our tutors have a unique tutoring style—find the tutor who’s right for you!

We all tutor communication skills across all subjects, but we do have some specialists.  We have Science Writing specialists—choose the “Science Writing Tutoring” on our scheduling page for those tutors.  We also have an ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) specialist listed on the main scheduling page. 

We are appointment-only.  

We are here for everyone—not just those new to college. 

We are an intentionally inclusive space.  We continue to work on promoting equity in our spaces to respect students of all races, genders, nationalities, and linguistic backgrounds.  See Mission for more information. 

Tutorials are conversations.  Tutorials are a two-way street: we don’t tell you what to do; we converse with you and help you find your own way.  We will offer suggestions and a fresh set of eyes/ears, but we’ll never take away your agency.  See “Student FAQ” for a run-down of what a typical tutorial looks like.

We work on all issues--large and small.  We’re here not just for little stuff like grammar and the finer points of citation.  We work on the big stuff too: thesis, structure, and source integration.

We recruit!  Consider working at the WORD Studio as a tutor.  We value tutors from across the disciplines (not just PCA or English).  Even if you don’t think you’re a perfect communicator, being a great tutor is more about being a good listener.  If that’s you, consider taking the one-unit, semester-long course offered every spring.  Applications are required for the 10 seats in the course.  See Work Here for more details.

Location and Hours

Location: ODY 137

Closed from May 10 - September 2.
