The collection consists primarily of correspondence between Frank Kip and his family while he was in California searching for gold. Also included are deeds, wills, abstracts, photographs, a diary, and genealogical information on the Kip family (Hendrik, Albert P., Henry deValcourt, and Benjamin).
Collection Overview
Frank Kip was one of the many men to go to California in search of gold during this time. His aim was to pay off the family house and to make enough money to make his family financially independent (see March 12, 1857). He apparently never achieved his goal. This collection consists mainly of the letters that he wrote home from California. It contains valuable information about the life of a miner during this period.
In 1865 Frank Kip joined the army and wrote letters from New Orleans and Memphis. His last letter is dated April 16, 1865. Army records (see folder #11) show that he died April 18, 1865.
The St. Lawrence County Historical Association has additional information on the Kip family, including Henry DeValcourt Kip, the artist.
St. Lawrence University does not hold the literary rights to this collection.