The Cranberry Lake collection consists of notes and files of an historical nature on a number of different subjects related to the Cranberry Lake area compiled by Canton writer and publisher Atwood Manley.
Collection Overview
Cranberry Lake is located in southernmost St. Lawrence County in the Adirondack Park near the Five Ponds Wilderness Area. The lake has been a traditional spot for hunting, fishing and logging camps. The community of Cranberry Lake is located on the north end of the lake. The State Univeristy of New York’s School of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) is located on the banks of Cranberry Lake in the village of Wannakeena. Cranberry bogs once dotted the lake, until logging interests began to dominate in the latter part of the 19th century. By the 1940s, New York State had purchased most of the land once owned by logging companies.