Comprehensive Sources Comprehensive search for quantitative data from the United States Federal Government, a composite of the following databases: Census, American Factfinder, and American Community Survey.
- How to Navigate (from the Census Bureau)
- How to Use Filters in (from the Census Bureau)
- How to Access Data for your Neighborhood (from the Census Bureau) The official “online guide” to United States Government information, organized into broad subject categories. Searches current Congressional business, legislation, committee schedules, and bill tracking.
Federal Assistance Questionnaire for determining financial aid eligibility and information on other Federal assistance programs.
Heath, Economic, and Historical Statistics
National Center of Health Statistics A comprehensive guide from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for quantitative data on health and mortality.
Bureau of Economic Analysis The Department of Commerce’s site on national economic trends related to employment, wealth, and manufacturing.
Proquest Congressional Comprehensive database of major publications of the US Federal Government 1790 to the present. Proquest Congressional includes the US Serial Set. Library Edition Genealogical database with coverage from 1790 to 1940. The Census are reproductions of actual household information, does not include tabular data. can be searched at county and town level.
Regional Statistics and Government Documents is the source for New York State Census totals.
New York State Comprehensive guide to open web information from New York State government, including all the major state agencies.
New York State Labor Statistics Good source for economic and socioeconomic statistics specific to the counties of Northern New York.
Adirondack Park Agency Note in particular the Citizen’s Guide and the annual Adirondack Park State Plan Masterplan.