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16 databases found


Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
Humanities and social sciences journals.
Philosophy and related fields.
Archives and current access to journals of the American Physical Society.
Political science literature US foreign & international.
Formerly NewspaperDirect PressDisplay. Current U.S. and international newspapers and magazines; full-text, full-color format.
Education literature, professional & scholarly.
Journals in the humanities and social sciences.
Multi-disciplinary database. 
House & Senate Documents and Reports also includes the pre-1817 American State Papers. In addition many executive branch materials historical maps illustrations etc.
Health administration & management.
Full text of Chicago Defender (1909-2010) and The New York Times (1851-2019)
Psychology and related subjects.
National and global contemporary public policy issues ranging from public health, the environment, housing, human and civil rights.
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.