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Permission of Instructor Only. This course presents students with conceptual approaches and practical techniques for applying the scientific method to behavioral research. Students learn about observational, correlational and experimental research designs and have the opportunity to apply these designs in the laboratory while investigating relevant psychological phenomena. Appropriate statistical procedures and computer software are used to analyze the data from these labs; therefore, students must take a course in statistics prior to 205. This course also covers research ethics and emphasizes effective communication through scientific writing and oral communication. Counts toward the minors in public health and statistics and the neuroscience major (behavioral track). Prerequisites: PSYC-101WL or 101NL, an additional Psychology course at any level and STAT-113; or permission of the instructor. Fulfills the NS-L distribution. You MUST also register for a section of PSYC-205L in the same semester.

Mark Oakes
Spring 2025
Course Code:
PSYC 205