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Are humans inherently violent? Is war inevitable? How do people in different societies respond to conflict? Is it 
possible or even desirable to eliminate all conflict in human interactions? What is meant by"peace"— is it simply the absence of violence? What is necessary for establishing and maintaining a peaceful community or society? How are animals and the environment relevant to peace for humans?  Does inner peace relate to outer peace? To answer these questions, we will study historical and recent examples of nonviolent social and political actions and movements, as well as approaches recommended by contemporary scholars and practitioners for transforming conflicts at the interpersonal to international levels and fostering peace. We also will consider how moral doctrines have envisioned alternatives to violence. Additionally, we'll examine and engage in mindfulness, meditative, and other contemplative exercises as means to explore the relationship between inner and outer peace. Fulfills HU and DIV13 requirements. Also offered as Peace 102.
Donna Alvah
Spring 2025
Course Code:
HIST 107 / PEAC 102
Peace Studies