This course is designed to help students as they prepare to apply to medical school. The major goals of the course surround putting together a successful application and interviewing successfully. Assignments and classwork will focus on writing and refining personal statements, summarizing previous experiences in a way that highlights their value, and preparing for critical thinking interviews. Students will continue to prepare for their MCAT by completing Kaplan chapter homework and taking two full length exams and analyzing the results. Students will also complete a project that further develops their understanding of a current controversial topic in medicine. This course does not count for Biology major credit. You cannot take this course pass/fail. Pre-reqs 1/2: BIOL 101 & BIOL 102, Pre-reqs 3/4: CHEM 103 & CHEM 104, Pre-reqs 5/6: CHEM-221 & CHEM 222, Pre-reqs 7/8: PHYS-103 or PHYS-151 and PHYS-104 or PHYS-152
Course Readings - Paper - Biology 311
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