This new special topics class will explore the current environmental impacts to the Adirondack Park ranging from mercury deposition in water bodies to an update on acidic precipitation to future threats from climate change and associated natural disasters. In order to take a critical look at current and future issues we will explore the connection between these and the formation and composition of the rocks/minerals/soils that underlie the Adirondack Region, their geologic evolution over time, the formation of the current incarnation of the mountains, and their sculpting during the last Ice Age. Class lectures will be supplemented by readings, seminars, data analysis, and weekly laboratory exercises. Suggested participants - Anyone with an interest in the Adirondack Mountains who would like to know more about how this region came to be and the environmental issues that it faces. No pre-requisites are required.Fulfills NS-L distribution (2013 curriculum)
Course Readings - Paper - GEOL 3019
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