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Lord of Fantasy: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Creation of Middle-earth
Instructors: Sarah Gates and Elun Gabriel
Curtin College
This course will explore J. R. R. Tolkien’s imagined world of Middle-earth through The Lord of the Rings and other writings, while also placing his creative work within the context of the real world in which he lived. Through historical investigation of twentieth-century Britain and Europe, literary analysis of his novels, and exploration of his personal life, religious beliefs, and scholarship in Medieval cultures, we will gain a rich understanding of Tolkien and his work.  Please note that this course is focused on Tolkien’s novels, not Peter Jackson’s movies (although we might spend a little time on the movies toward the end of the semester). This course fulfills the FYP general education requirement.

Elun Gabriel
Sarah Gates
Fall 2020
Course Code:
FRPG 1011