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The thirty online journals used most at SLU during 2021:
  1. Nature
  2. Science 
  3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  4. Sex Roles
  5. Journal of Chemical Education
  6. American Economic Review
  7. Science of the Total Environment
  8. American Journal of Public Health
  9. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
  10. Scientific American
  11. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  12. Social Science & Medicine
  13. Journal of Cleaner Production
  14. Journal of the American Chemical Society
  15. American Ethnologist
  16. The American Political Science Review
  17. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
  18. The International Journal of the History of Sport
  19. Journal of Homosexuality
  20. Scientific Reports
  21. Ethnic and Racial Studies
  22. Inorganic Chemistry
  23. American Journal of Political Science
  24. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  25. American Anthropologist
  26. Environmental Science & Technology
  27. American Psychologist
  28. Sociology Compass
  29. Psychology of Men & Masculinity
  30. Social Science Quarterly