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Displaying results 11 - 20 of 24Tiles

John Payne

John Payne has served as Director of Libraries at St. Lawrence since 2019, overseeing the operations of the Owen D. Young Library, Launders Science Library, and Music Library.

Director of Libraries
John Payne

Kate Salathé

As libraries and technology simultaneously evolve and integrate, Kate works with librarians, staff, faculty, and students to facilitate search, discovery, and delivery of library services and resources. As the Systems Librarian, she manages, supports, and evaluates library systems such as ODYsseus, ILLiad, and Discovery.

Kate has a BA in zoology from Ohio Wesleyan University, and received her MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Systems Librarian
Kate Salathé

Eric Williams-Bergen

Eric brings together his knowledge of scholarly resources and emerging technologies to help the libraries and IT plan, implement, and support digital projects such as library web resources, digital collections, and institutional repositories. He provides leadership in and support for new and emerging technologies and publishing trends, such as generative Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, data repositories, mobile applications, open access, open data, and digital storytelling.

Director of Research & Digital Scholarship
Eric Williams-Bergen

Linda Adams

Linda handles the payments for databases, electronic serials, and print standing orders as well as the licensing for electronic resources. She has both an M.A. and B.S. in English from SUNY Brockport. As a former public library director, she was voted Outstanding Librarian in St. Lawrence County. She is also a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, the International Society for Key Women Educators.

Electronic Resources Technician
Linda Adams