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Escape Room

The ODY Library would like to invite you to participate in a SLU-themed escape room. Your team will crack codes, open locked boxes, translate clues, and more in this thrilling race against the clock!

This activity is digital-free; requiring creative use of the library materials and primary sources provided in the escape room. Work together to complete ‘missions’ pertaining to SLU, Canton, and North Country history to successfully ‘escape.’ The escape room is best suited for groups of 8-15 students per session, and typically takes about an hour to complete. 

January 11, 2020 3:00-4:00pm
Main Lobby

Sample Sub-Event

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January 10, 2020 1:00-2:00pm


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WORD Studio: Pre and post tutorial worksheet

Worksheet: Meeting with a Tutor

As an SLU student, you’ve been given a lot of resources—from the WORD Studio to the Counseling Center.  But it’s one thing to have the resources, and another thing to know how to use them.  That actually takes skill.  By filling out this worksheet before and after each meeting with a tutor, you’ll learn how to use tutors, and make the most of your time with that resource.